
Your unique healing journey starts here

If you're ready to break free from feeling stuck, find clarity, and embrace a life filled with confidence and joy, you're in the right place. And, I'm not just saying this for shits and giggles - that everything you desire, is destined to be yours. It's simply a matter of energetic alignment, which is what this coaching program is all about.

You were brought to this page for a reason; your Higher Self knows it too - it's time for you to step into the version of yourself you were always meant to be.

Yes! I'm READY!
Imagine living with the empowering certainty that, no matter the twists and turns of life's journey, you possess an unshakeable inner strength, ensuring not just survival but a flourishing existence—because embracing your thriving essence is simply who you are.
does this sound like you?

Life seems like a series of unfulfilling routines, making you feel trapped in a cycle of monotony. The excitement and vest for life seems to have been sucked right out of you, and you're not sure when it happened.

Wearing a mask to fit into the roles life has handed you just isn't working out for you anymore. Your soul is craving authenticity and to live a life that is truly YOURS. 

You feel like you've been navigating through a fog of uncertainty that's left you unsure of your next steps. You're yearning for a clear path and clarity on not only what steps to take, but what your purpose here on Earth is.

It feels like joy is just slipping through your fingers, overshadowed by stress, anxiety, and daily challenges. You've tried out so many tips and tricks that seem to work for others, but its not working for you. 

In a world bustling with digital connections, you're feeling a profound sense of disconnection, particularly from yourself, but also from others. You crave really meaningful, safe, and loving relationships with others, and also with yourself.

You're on the edge of full blown burn-out. You want to be the best version of yourself, so that you can take care of others, be present, and have better control over your emotions, but you have no idea where to even start. 

now you're on this exact page.

and you're looking for the secret recipe for a happy and balanced life

You're probably wondering how these "successful" people around you are doing it all. How are they balancing work, life, kids, family, friends, and self-care? How do they seem to have more time in the day than you do? What's the missing key that you can't seem to find? 

Like, how the f*ck does everyone else seem to have their life together? How are they able to stay so relaxed? How are they so happy?

Trust me - I get it.  These used to be the questions I asked, too. 

So, what changed for me? How did I find daily happiness, work-life balance, and build a deeper connection to myself spiritually?

What's the secret that took me from, being broke, hating my job, being depressed and anxious to generating the most wealth I've ever had, being physically and mentally healthy, married to the love of my life, creating the business of my dreams, and genuinely grateful for my life everyday?

 I said enough is enough. There's a better way to live life, and I'm going to find it. 

I opened my eyes to spiritual teachings. I got to know myself. On a DEEP, spiritual, human, subconscious level. I became genuinely curious about who I am.

I learned the ancient teachings of the world, and simplified them, so that they were easy to understand, and simple to implement into my life. 

And from this, I created a new way of being - I figured out the secret sauce to life.

PSSSST.... It's simpler than you think.

Very soon you WILL get the hidden recipe that you’ve been searching for. Cause I’m gonna lay it all out for you.

about the program and why you need it
This is the last coaching program you'll ever need for unlocking your potential, achieving emotional balance, and living an authentic life.

This coaching program is a 3 month minimum, fully digital program, lead exclusively by yours truly.

I've poured my heart and soul into this coaching program, dedicating our sessions together to be as deep, profound, and transformative as possible. I know that everyone is incredibly unique, and because of that, you deserve a tailored and personalized coaching to help generate the results YOU desire. 

My intention is to provide you with exactly what you need, rather than overwhelming you with everything.

Because, let's be honest - you don't need to learn everything there is to know all at once to get the results you're looking for. In fact, it would probably slow you down!

Each month, we work together to craft a schedule that works for you, and design it in a way that gives you CLEAR direction on steps to take - actions that you can ACTUALLY incorporate in your day to day. There's no point in joining a program you can't realistically fit it into your schedule, right?

We'll choose from a variety of different healing modalities that feel right for you. I specialize in Reiki Therapy, Shadow Integration, Sound Healing, and Guided Meditations - but I also offer other fun modalities, like Candle Magic, Healing Rituals, Tarot Readings, Astrology and more. 

I'm here to be more than just a coach - I'm also here to support you and provide accountability. I intend to help you release any stress, frustration or overwhelm that may come up as you face your fears and recreate your entire life. And while the work is simple in nature, it can be difficult to work through. That's why I'm here - to provide the support I wish I had during my own healing - to be the guide I needed.

I've gone through a ton of inner work, my own spiritual awakening, and I've learned SO much along the way.

Why am I telling you this?

Cause, I've done all the hard work, gathering up an obscene amount of knowledge on a variety of topics and implemented it all into my life. And now?

I'm using all of this knowledge to help you get your life moving in the direction that you've been dreaming of. Are you ready to live a life in full alignment?

Yes! i'm ready!
what's the program look like?

Here's what you can expect:


Our initial sessions will focus on intentional goal-setting, self-observation, and the power of curiosity. Together, we'll embark on a journey to define your goals, acknowledge your blocks, and cultivate a non-judgmental connection to your mind, body, and soul. By the end of this month, you'll have gained clarity on your desires, learned the art of meditation, and begun the process of learning about who YOU are, on a soul level.


In this phase, we dive deep into the shadows, exploring fears, limiting beliefs, and recurring patterns that reside in your psyche. Expect profound shifts as we use a mix of meditations, journaling, virtual reiki and coaching sessions to unravel and heal. By the end of this month, you'll experience powerful aha moments, recognize your capacity for choice, and cultivate acceptance and forgiveness for yourself and others.


As we celebrate the victories of the past two months, we focus on replacing released energy with gratitude and high vibrations. By the end of this transformative experience, you'll not only feel proud and confident but equipped with a toolkit to navigate life's ebbs and flows. Get ready to celebrate the amazing journey you've undertaken and the powerful shifts you've manifested.

This program is for you if you are... 

✅ Ready to learn something new and embrace the work needed to be a better you.

✅ Open to honest guidance, craving a mentorship helps you transform. 

✅ Devoted to your personal evolution, dedicated to completing each and every assignment. 

✅ Unafraid to acknowledge your desire for more in life, and ready to make a self-investment.

âś… Ready to drop all the bullsh*t stories you've been telling yourself why you can't do, be, or have something.

This program is NOT for you if you are...

 ❌ Looking for a quick or instant fix to your problems.

 ❌ Someone who thinks they already know everything and doesn't want to try out anything new.

 ❌ Someone who'd rather live a life in the comfort zone instead of their full potential.

 ❌ Looking for someone to "fix" you, or do all the work for you. 

 ❌ Someone who thinks "I'm good with my life, I don't want anything different."

You might be asking yourself if this will actually work... worried that this investment won't give you the results you actually desire.

I know we don’t know each other yet, but I can promise you this:

I am 100% committed to getting you the results you desire. There's no stone I'll leave unturned when it comes to your healing. 

This isn't one of those generic coaching programs where everyone who enrolls gets the same treatment. The way in which we work together is tailored specifically for YOU. 

And I'm not here to sugar coat the truths for you - I'm here to help you actually GROW by embracing the parts of yourself you've been too afraid to pay attention to before. 

I know it’s a commitment, and you might be feeling a little scared right now…

But let me ask you this: If fear hasn’t yet given you the results that you are looking for… why not try something new?

If you’re afraid of trying something new… you may never experience the happiness you deserve.

I know, it's a harsh statement, but its the TRUTH. It's only once you invest in yourself... take the risk... say YES to your happiness... that the Universe shows up and delivers your desires to you. 

I'll be here the whole way, helping you and guiding you into alignment with the version of yourself you've always wanted to be - who you DESERVE to be. 

But you have to choose yourself first... you have to show up for yourself first... you have to decide that NOW is the time to pick your happiness and click that button to sign up.

It's time to see what happens when you invest in yourself and take inspired action towards your goals.

If you were to go elsewhere and try to put everything together that's offered within this coaching program, you'd easily spend over 


Your average prices of everything included:

1:1 Coaching Sessions = $300 per session (you get a minimum of 3!)

Reiki Therapy = $150 per session

Sound Healing = $150 per session

Shadow Work and Integration = $200 per session

Limiting Belief Removals = $180 per session

Guided Meditations and Workbooks = $100

Self Confidence Course = $200

The Investment:



Look - you already made it this far. Clicking the button below will set up a meeting with us first to get to know each other, and make sure we're a good fit, so that we ensure that your success is inevitable. No investment required until you are fully on board!

You're just one click away from manifesting the life of your dreams - it's time to choose you. 

i'm choosing me!
See what my clients have to say:


At the very very beginning I was pretty skeptical that anything or anyone could help me. I didn’t have a lot of faith that I could heal myself, and then I did! So it continuously blew my mind. I was able to change the way I approached life. I went from someone who was constantly experiencing anxiety, always planning 25 steps ahead and for 25 outcomes. To someone who can live in the moment more easily. I definitely still have my moments, but uncovering the WHY behind my triggers and behaviors allowed me a lot more control in my life, and I feel very empowered. I thought you might help me find coping strategies, but I really didn’t expect to stop the anxiety at the root so it almost never came up anymore. When I am triggered, I am curious, I look within and find the cause. I know how to effectively do shadow work, so that I can heal myself. I know when to ask for help or more insight if I need it. If you're thinking about signing up, just do it! This is going to change your life!